In 2022, I was appointed as a new member of the  Culture Commission of Dietikon. In this new position, I’ve had the special opportunity to introduce and organise cultural event series in the Stadtkeller funded and supported by the the Culture Department of the City of Dietikon in the canton of Zurich, Switzerland.

The event series are: the “Open Mic Nights,” and the “Music and Stories” concert series held monthly at the Stadtkeller Dietikon.

Open Mic Nights

The Open Mic Nights are a special opportunity for all ages to perform in a safe and supportive environment on a magical stage in the Stadtkeller in the heart of the city of Dietikon.Except for The Special Showcase*, there is no sign up list or need to register in advance. You can totally just come to watch and then spontaneously decide to try out something on the stage if you feel inspired to.

*The Special Showcase is a special concert by artists (musicians / poets / writers etc.) who have already performed at one of the previous Open Mic evenings. The Showcaser musicians are paid a small fee and the concert is open to the public.